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Pre-placement Screening

Screen new employees for adverse health issues so that you are able to best support them from the start of their employment.

Pre-placement screening:

Innovate Occupational Health offers pre-placement screening to assess the potential health risks that may affect an employee’s ability to perform the duties of their new position or pose risks to themselves or others in the workplace.

Our customers are able to send out Pre-Placement screening requests to their employees via our Customer Portal. In here, the status of the questionnaires and outcomes can also be tracked. Making the process quick and simple to manage.

What does it involve?

Our online PPQ screening process aims to provide confidential clinical review. It is the duty of the applicant to submit all, relevant, truthful and accurate information to Occupational Health.

If the clinician requires more information a confidential PPQ screening call is conducted.

Medical Information cannot be revealed without consent from the applicant. We endeavour to encourage applicant disclosure of medical information to support health at work where applicable. However, this is ultimately the decision of the applicant.

In some cases, the medical information reviewed may require escalation to a full OH assessment, request for further medical information or referral to an Occupational Health Physician (OHP). This would require referrer authorisation to arrange.

We encourage our customers to explain the PPQ process fully in the recruitment phase to assist effective completion.

Click Below For Details on How to Make A Referral for a PPQ

Get in Touch

Innovate Healthcare

3rd floor, Suite 4 Dale House
Tiviot Dale, Stockport

Contact Form